Cochran Basin Conveyance - TJ Meenach to Downriver Golf Course - 2021067

This project consists of the construction of approximately 3,500 cubic yards of excavation and embankment, 4,300 linear feet of storm sewer, 24 drainage structures, 4,300 linear feet of water main, 25 wheelchair ramps,15,000 square yards of 3-inch thick HMAA pavement, sundry utility adjustments, and other related miscellaneous items.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date9/20/21 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Spokane Engineering Dept.
Rich Proszek  
(509) 625-6700


Spokane, WA

Project Estimate: $2,900,000.00 – $3,300,000.00

Bidders may download electronic files at no cost. Printed documents are available, at Bidder’s expense, by choosing the “Order” option.

Additional project information including the Engineer’s estimated cost range for the project, bid results (after bid opening), as well as information about other City projects are available by following this link for The City of Spokane Engineering Services.