44th Avenue - Crestline Street to Altamont Street - 2021068

This project consists of the construction of approximately 1150 cubic yards of roadway excavation, 220 cubic yards of rock excavation, 7 each tree removals, 110 linear feet of storm sewer, 100 linear feet of absorption trench, 12 each drainage structures, 100 square yards of construct bio-infiltration swale, 3730 square yards preparation of untreated roadway, 1050 linear feet of cement concrete curb, 430 square yards of cement concrete sidewalk, 3500 square yards of 4-inch thick asphalt pavement, 440 square yards of hydroseeding, 980 square feet of pavement marking, sundry utility adjustments, and other related miscellaneous items.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date6/27/22 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Spokane Engineering Dept.
Rich Proszek  
(509) 625-6700


Spokane, WA

This site is for the “General Public”. If you are a Bidder, Sub-bidder or a Supplier, go back to City of Spokane Plan Room and choose the “Bidders Access” option

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