2022 Residential Grind and Overlay - 2022044

This project consists of the construction of approximately 36,600 square yards of 2-inch thick HMA pavement, 1,000 square yards of pavement repair, 36,600 square yards of grinding, 160 linear feet of storm sewer, 4 new drainage structures and 23 retrofits, and


Bidding Closed

Bid Date12/12/22 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Spokane Engineering Dept.
Jonathan Adams  
(509) 625-6700


Spokane, WA

This site is for the “General Public”. If you are a Bidder, Sub-bidder or a Supplier, go back to City of Spokane Plan Room and choose the “Bidders Access” option

If you add yourself to the plan holders list you WILL NOT be notified of changes to this project.