Upriver Dam Spillway Rehabilitation - Phase III - 2022081


Bidding Closed

Bid Date10/16/23 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Spokane Engineering Dept.
David St. Pierre - dstpierre@spokanecity.org  
(509) 625-6700


Spokane, WA

This site is for the “General Public” to review projects currently out to bid. If you are a Bidder {Prime, Sub or a Supplier} click “Bidders Access” for the portal for Bidders.

This project consists of the rehabilitation of the spillway concrete piers, repair of select cracks on the vertical faces of the piers and the abutment walls, demolition and replacement of pier extensions on the spillway hoist deck, repairs to the hoist deck concrete, installation of expansion joint seal assembly to seal a leaking vertical expansion joint on the spillway left abutment upstream guide wall, inspection and cleaning of the horizontal drains in the downstream left abutment wall and the OGEE drains in bay 7 and 8, Tainter Gate No. 5 structural repairs, replacement of both Tainter Gate No. 5 trunnion pins, and other related miscellaneous items.