Market/Monroe/29th Ave Grind & Overlays (Re-Bid) - 2022064


Bidding Closed

Bid Date1/16/24 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Spokane Engineering Dept.
Jonathan Adams,  
Steve Marsh,


Spokane, WA

This site is for the “General Public” to review project currently out to bid. If you are a Bidder {Prime, Sub or a Supplier} click “Bidders Access” for the bidding portal.

This project consists of the construction of approximately 837 linear feet of storm sewer, 8 drainage structures, 1,156 square yards of sidewalk and ADA ramps, 2,374 linear feet of cement concrete curb, 74,733 square yards of planing bituminous pavement, 1,249 square yards of pavement repair excavation including haul, 1,188 square yards of HMA pavement repair, 74,733 square yards of 2-inch thick asphalt pavement, 8,816 square feet of durable heat applied pavement markings, traffic signal retrofits at Monroe & Garland, 29th & Regal, sundry utility adjustments, and other related miscellaneous items.